Race to your theater to see it now.I am a YouTuber and a Skilled Game Tester, focusing on indie games mostly. Critics who complained about there being too much color should have brought a pacifier with them to the movies, because only babies would complain about how this film looks. Many people said the same thing about Moulin Rogue, and that movie is fantastic too. Don't listen to those wimpy critics that didn't like this film because it gave them a headache.

It wants to be different, and it does exactly that. It wants to entertain, and it does exactly that. So overall this movie is very self-aware. You will not see one piece of product placement in this whole film. Speed knows that corporations corrupt art, and so does this movie. He is very dedicated to his craft, and does not want to sell out. A big corporation wants to sponsor Speed, but Speed knows that corporations are evil and are only looking to make more money. This movie portrays Speed as more of an artist than a race car driver. I feel above all the message of this movie is that money corrupts art. Also the politics in this movie were excellent as well. Probably the only time I will hear "Freebird" without being annoyed. The music is also very fitting and tasteful. The sounds of the race cars were explosive and loud and if you see this movie in a good theater, it will make it that much better. I can understand why this film made the race tracks so crazy, because who would really want to see two hours of regular race tracks with cars going around and around? The sound was also really impressive in this film. If real racing was this exciting, I would watch it all the time.

The tracks are very creative, and I can only imagine how fun they were to design. Lots of the racing sequences are very over the top, but the movie knows it and does it well. It can be funny, and then be heartwarming.

The acting is somewhat campy, but can also turn that gear into more serious acting. After all, it is based on a Japanese TV show. Only someone who has been to Tokyo will know exactly what the Wachowskis were going for in this film. It is like they took Shibuya and made it a hundred times as big and colorful.

A lot of the visuals really are beautiful bursts of color similar to what you find on the busy streets of Tokyo, and this movie is aware of that. I can safely say that I have never seen another movie like this one, and I feel that so many movies are going to try to do what this movie did. I think it is really unfortunate that so many critics are complaining about the visuals in this movie, because I think that they are truly fantastic. Above everything else, this movie is a visual feast that stays true to the cartoon.